Sunday, May 23, 2010

Random Sunday Morning

The list goes on and on. Do I get up early make coffee and surf a little? Sleep in and relax? Think about the endless list of shit I should do but probably won't? So peaceful when the sun just comes up.Left the windows open to clear skies it's cool inside,birds are chirping,.Back to sleep...BLAT, BLAT,BLAT, BLAAAAAAAAAAAA,ARF,ARF, Yap,yap,yap, EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE. Between the kid next door finishing out a sleep over screech fest of little girls, to rototilling and all dogs make noise and parents yelling at the kids to QUIET DOWN!!! the day begins not the way I just dreamed it. 30 minutes later, the reprieve and five minutes of silence. Restructure you thoughts and rest the attitude. It's still early and its still Sunday.
Got Shit to do...

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